Human Resource Management Process PDF

Human Resource Management Process PDF Download: An organization makes their efforts to work in one direction with a clear vision of the goal. The objectives can be accomplished by implementing various strategies and executing the same towards the Human Resource Department. But it entails some processes and this article will explore all of these in detail further.

Human Resource Management Process
Human Resource Management Process


Also See: Functions of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Process PDF Download

1. Human Resource Planning

It is the first step of the process of HRM and deals with the requirements of manpower within the premises of the organization. HRP is a systematic procedure that analyzes the needs of people in the organization with the required skills and abilities that are needed to do the assigned tasks in an efficient manner. It also makes sure that the accurate number of the employee must be present in the organization to achieve the goals.

To get a better understanding of Human Resource Planning, break it into two parts such as “Human Resource” and “Planning”. Planning refers to a course of action and finalizing goals before taking any action. It avails a sense of purpose and direction for making decisions in advance. It comprises of anticipate the future opportunities prior time and includes organizing, leading and controlling functions.

Indeed, the process of HRP is vital and leads to acquisition, improvement, utilization and preservation of manpower within an organization. The overall aim is to avail the organization with the right person with the right skills and proper utilization of human resources. It is the activity that is associated to co-ordinate with the requirements and the different kinds of employees available.

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2. Recruitment, Selection, and Placement

The vital step in this process is to hire and select a new employee. It includes two different categories such as the first one is to pick up supply sources like getting manpower from friends, present and former employees, colleagues, employment agencies, advertising schools and other social media websites also. The introduction of National Employment Service in the year 1945 has assisted in improving the ways of hiring candidates and employment exchanges have been established due to the existence of NES. Further, the second category is related to the interview, so as to pick up the best and suitable candidate for the organization out of various applicants.


Interviewing: The second step is very lengthy to select and analyze the candidate according to the job. They also keep an over the testimonials as well as recommendations provided by any reference so as to get to know about the person’s qualities in brief. The way of conducting the interview is very easy and applied to both parties but not to be hurried. However, the length of the interview should be sufficient, so that the person brings to ease and disclose everything about him in a natural state which includes relevant experience, skills and abilities.

The second stage of the interview is required to appraise the candidate in a proper way and certain tests have been conducted by the HRM department such as Intelligence tests, Interests test, Aptitude test and Personality tests which is related to the family and emotional aspect of the person’s life. Too much importance is not given to the psychological techniques as well as tests but it does not imply that it is not vital for the selection procedure or maybe it is not regarded as a foolproof solution for the selection hurdles. After completion of the selection procedure, the candidate ought to be sent for medical examination as it is good for the organization as well as the employee too.

With no other considerations, it is vital to do the process on a merit basis. However, an ample number of pressures is applied by references from outside and inside the organization. The task of the interview is to match the person with the job requirement and not the job with the person.

3. Training and Development

The cornerstone of sound management is training and do it in a systematic way lead to the proper accomplishment of the job role. The new candidates should be trained for the job from the scratch correctly and moreover, more channels also provided to teach the current employees new and innovative methods to do the work in a timely and cost-effective manner. With the help of training programs, an opportunity has been given to the management to explore their rules, regulations and policies in detail.

The results of training programs include fall in the turnover of labor, work spoilage must be minimum, less destruction of equipment and materials, quantity and quality improvement. In the final evaluation, training programs are a clear vision of management and it leads to generate goodwill.

Two methods are used to give a take to these general approaches such as Absorption methods and the next one is Intentional method. In the absorption method, an experienced employee needs to take an interest in the new candidate and use the trial and error method. However, everything is planned regarding the training and guidance given to the new employee related to the job and its associated tasks.

Also See: Importance of HRM(Human Resource Management)

4. Job Evaluation

It refers to give and assign jobs a particular grade or rate according to the importance of the job in the accomplishment of objectives in an organization. Systematically, the value of each job has assigned in relation to other jobs within the organization. Rating of the job is done under this step but on the basis of the task given to the employees and not on mm or count of women employed. This principle of job evaluation deals with all level of employees from operatives to executives.

It is applicable to all sizes of business. The only motive of job evaluation is to segregate the salary of different employees by evaluating their job in-depth and the payroll depends on it. All sort of difficulties related to the job is also taken into consideration. To exemplify, the nature of the job of a mechanist and an electrician might be similar to some extent and requires the same level of skills and abilities, so they get paid equally for doing the similar level of job and handling difficulties.

According to Knowles and Thomson, many of the evils can be minimized with the help of job evaluation and the difficulties attached to the salary system and salary payments. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Higher payment of salary and wages to the employees who don’t need to work hard and a large number of skills and responsibilities are not required as per their position.
  • Paying less amount of salary to the beginners according to their job responsibilities and efforts needed for doing the job.
  • Increment has given to the persons whose performance is dissatisfactory.
  • The decision to pay scale made on the basis of senior position instead of efforts and ability.
  • Variations in wages and salaries for the jobs that are of the same efforts and closely related to each other.
  • Unequal wage rate due to race, sex, religion and political differences.

5. Merit Rating

To give promotion to a person, the relative worth is tested on the basis of merit rating through different techniques. These techniques include assessing the employee and differentiating from others which are called as merit rating plans. It is also known with employee-rating plans or performance rating. Basically, merit rating is the procedure to analyze the performance of an employee with regard to the job’s requirement. The system is introduced to make the difference of a supervisor from their subordinates. It is up to that senior person to recommend an employee for promotion, rise in wage, lay-off or additional training. So, a supervisor can make decisions on behalf of their team.

Also See: Objectives of Human Resource Management

6. Promotions and Transfers

Every employer ought to be kept in mind the fundamental principle of employment is to place the best suitable candidate for the job and does not matter where he comes from. Very often, it is obvious that an employee who is working with the organization for a long time, know everything about the policies and methodologies of an organization rather than an outsider. So, this will make an insider more capable for the higher position by promotions and transfers.

Undeniable, doors are always open for outsiders with some new and innovative ideas for business growth and help the firm to overcome from the day to day troubles. But an efficient effort is always made by the firm to fill the vacant higher positions with their own skilled employee rather than an outsider. Promotion is the achievement of higher positions along with some monetary benefits as well as status.

7. Demotions

The demotion of an employee leads to different opinions. Sometimes, the managers are not ready to demote their subordinate as they will not able to work on some lower-level positions. Finally, they discharge the employee instead of creating a lot of chaos within the premises of the organization. In such situations, the theory of manager is not always untrue but the subordinate may be more efficient in doing other jobs in another section that will give him a great height of success. So, it is a matter of psychology that needed to be adjusted by the supervisor as well as the demoted worker. Some heartache cannot be ignored at the same time but you can try to eliminate them by giving some additional dividends to the demoted employee.

8. Withdrawals and Dismissals

When an employee is breaking the rules and policies of an organization or engaged in some illegal activities or not doing their assigned job tasks in an efficient manner or they reached their age limit, then withdrawal and dismissal occur. The HR Manager deals with various types of dismissals and withdrawal such as retirement, termination, redundancy and dismissal.


It is essential for the survival of an organization to run all these processes related to Human Resource Management. These strategies and policies for manpower of business firm lead to the success and accomplishment of the goals in a timely manner. Not a sole process can work separately.

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